
我们汇编了 10 个问题,以测试您对金巴雅拉丁美洲 的常识了解程度! 如果您获得满分,您将获得金巴雅拉丁美洲顶级粉丝徽章! 开始吧!

2 投票, 5 平均值

Ready for the quiz?

1 / 10

Where was Quimbaya Latin America born?

2 / 10

In how many countries does Quimbaya Latin America operate?

3 / 10

Which countries does Quimbaya Latin America operate in?

4 / 10

Are these 100% Quimbaya Latin America offices?

5 / 10

Does Quimbaya Latin America offer Guaranteed Departures?

6 / 10

What is the second country where Quimbaya Latin America has established itself?

7 / 10

Who were the Quimbayas?

8 / 10

Does Quimbaya Latin America also organise MICE trips?

9 / 10

In what year was Quimbaya Latin America founded?

10 / 10

What were the colours of the first Quimbaya Latin America logo?

One last step before you discover your result! 😁
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