Festivities happening from October – November 2019.
The Lord of the Miracles
Around October the streets are filled with vendors selling a wide variety of typical dishes and desserts such as the famous Turron de Doña Pepa.
Each October, one of Peru’s most important and well attended local festivals take place in Lima, the Procession of the Lord of the Miracles, or El Señor de los Milagros. October is known as Mes Morado (or the purple month) as festival goers dress from head to toe in purple clothing as a sign of their devotion to El Señor.
Drawing the largest number of participants in South America each year, the procession is held across several days with one 24-hour event hosting thousands of purple clad worshippers.
The procession of the Lord of Miracles originated from the colonial times when a slave was brought over from Angola and drew an image of a black Christ on the walls of a wretched huts at the Pachacamilla plantation near Lima. This symbolic image stayed on the wall despite several attempts to erase it and survived an earthquake in 1746 which leveled all surrounding buildings.
The principle day of celebration for the Lord of Miracles is on the 28th of October the anniversary of the 1746 earthquake.

If the passengers of our programs are in Lima on one of the dates of the procession, they can actively participate in it, thus entering the heart of the Peruvian religious culture.
Passengers can have a historic experience on the day their visit to the center of Lima, due to the intense influx of people the visit usually lasts an additional hour.
A procession of about 3 million people immerses with traditional music and incense. That is an unforgettable experience to end your visit to Peru.
Dates of routes during these processions (usually every year) are on;
October 05th, 18th, 19th, 28th and Nov 01st
The processions lead the image to various churches near downtown Lima with routes covering the historic city center and near districts.