TripAdvisor highlights Santiago and San Pedro de Atacama among the best destinations in South America The Popular Vote Award at the Travelers’ Choice Awards 2019, which chooses the 25 best tourist destinations on this side of the planet, highlighted the iconic cities of Chile. Imagen de un deportista escalando uno de los cerros de Cochamó, donde se ve de fondo la naturaleza prístina de Chile For the second year in a row, TripAdvisor, the trip review portal, highlighted the cities of Santiago and San Pedro de Atacama as one of the 25 must-see destinations in South America, according to the renowned Travelers’ Choice 2019 ranking.
The distinction is granted by popular vote and is determined based on the quantity and quality of reviews and ratings that its millions of users make of the different destinations they visit around the world in a period of 12 months. The platform and that catapulted the Antofagasta and Metropolitana de Santiago regions as worthy attractions to visit. In this regard, the undersecretary of Tourism, Monica Zalaquett, said “Santiago is a dynamic, entertaining and cosmopolitan city which every day arouses more interest among visitors who come to the country. Meanwhile, San Pedro de Atacama, is one of our most consolidated destinations worldwide.
“…Chile has become one of the most awarded and highlighted destinations at an international level.”
The fact that our country appears twice, because of Santiago and San Pedro de Atacama, among the 25 best destinations in South America in TripAdvisor’s Traveler’s Choice Awards brings us tremendous pride, especially, since they are popular votes, based on comments from those who have visited the destinations, confirming their global attraction.” In this way, the city of Santiago earns a place in the top ten spots in the 11th edition of the Travelers’ Choice Awards 2019, where the Chilean capital is defined as “one of those urban pleasures where the more you look, the more you find. Dance clubs and trendy cafes in the Bellavista neighborhood, art collections in Parque Forestal that range from pre-Columbian to contemporary exhibitions, and an architecture that ranges from the 16th-century San Francisco church to office buildings with mirrors.

” NATURAL ATTRACTIONS TripAdvisor highlighted the city of San Pedro de Atacama on its list of must-sees at spot 21 as follows: “Are you looking for an unusual and beautiful landscape? Sand canyons, salt flats dotted with flamingos, steaming geysers, hot springs, volcanic peaks and extraterrestrial rock formations are offered throughout San Pedro de Atacama. Hiking, biking and horseback riding are the preferred means of exploration. ”
For the national director of SERNATUR, Andrea Wolleter, “the Travelers’ Choice Awards are popular awards where it is confirmed that the best ambassadors of a country are their own tourists. That is why Chile has become one of the most awarded and highlighted destinations at an international level. In 2018, we received more than 5.7 million foreign tourists, a figure that we hope will continue to grow thanks to these distinctions. ”