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Between Jungle and Pyramids : Mexico an Guatemala

Our MICE Experiences In Guatemala

Celebrate Guatemala
Three moments to enjoy unparalleled cultural and mystic syncretism in the Maya country. There are very popular celebrations and ceremonies and it is essential to book long time in advance. HOLY WEEK IN ANTIGUA – Street processions with flower carpets in this colonial city among the most beautiful in Latin America. The Mayas communities along with the catholic rituals add a living representation of the Métis culture. The most important days are: Good Friday and Easter Sunday. ALL SAINTS’ KITES – Magic commemoration of the Day of the Dead in the Todos Santos village when the colored and gigantic kites representing the ancestors’ soul are flying by hundreds. GARIFUNA CELEBRATION IN LIVINGSTON – The Afro community of Guatemala commemorates the slavery abolition every 26 November. Dances, chants, marimba orchestras host the village where African and indigenous traditions are well preserved.
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Celebrate Guatemala
Three moments to enjoy unparalleled cultural and mystic syncretism in the Maya country. There are very popular celebrations and ceremonies and it is essential to book long time in advance. HOLY WEEK IN ANTIGUA – Street processions with flower carpets in this colonial city among the most beautiful in Latin America. The Mayas communities along with the catholic rituals add a living representation of the Métis culture. The most important days are: Good Friday and Easter Sunday. ALL SAINTS’ KITES – Magic commemoration of the Day of the Dead in the Todos Santos village when the colored and gigantic kites representing the ancestors’ soul are flying by hundreds. GARIFUNA CELEBRATION IN LIVINGSTON – The Afro community of Guatemala commemorates the slavery abolition every 26 November. Dances, chants, marimba orchestras host the village where African and indigenous traditions are well preserved.
Around the Indian Markets (minimum 3-day stay)
Strolling through many of the Indian markets in Guatemala is a privileged moment to discover the Maya’s people ancestral traditions proudly maintained. With an expert guide, visit the main markets: Wednesday – Almolonga market in the known region as orchard of Guatemala Friday – vegetables and fruits market at Solola or livestock market in San Francisco El Alto Sunday – Chichicastenango market bringing all the Maya local communities. Rituals and prayers at the Santo Tomas church.
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Around the Indian Markets (minimum 3-day stay)
Strolling through many of the Indian markets in Guatemala is a privileged moment to discover the Maya’s people ancestral traditions proudly maintained. With an expert guide, visit the main markets: Wednesday – Almolonga market in the known region as orchard of Guatemala Friday – vegetables and fruits market at Solola or livestock market in San Francisco El Alto Sunday – Chichicastenango market bringing all the Maya local communities. Rituals and prayers at the Santo Tomas church.

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