After Ecuador, Quimbaya Latin America has now obtained official certification in Chile for the protection of the country’s environment and biodiversity.

The Quimbaya Latin America team is proud to share another piece of exciting news with you! This time it’s in Chile, where we’ve been awarded the badge for our commitment to sustainable tourism! This certification represents a further step in our commitment to responsible tourism in Latin America, highlighting our concrete actions to reduce our environmental impact and make a positive contribution to the communities we visit.

The vibrant colours of our badge symbolise our commitment to responsible tourism, demonstrating our concrete actions to preserve the environment and our desire to promote responsible and authentic travel experiences.

By integrating the principles of sustainability into Quimbaya Latin America and our programmes in Latin America, we strive to respect 8 eco-responsible actions.

The pillars of our eco-responsible approach

1. Customer satisfaction and sustainable tourism

We aim to satisfy our customers by offering them memorable experiences while respecting the principles of sustainable tourism.

2. Humane and rewarding working conditions

Our employees are the lifeblood of our company, so we attach great importance to their working conditions.
Everyone should feel valued and happy to be part of Quimbaya Latin America.

3. Sustainable alternatives

We encourage activities that respect the environment and local cultures by promoting sustainable alternatives.

4. Strong links with sustainable networks

We strengthen our collective impact by establishing solid links with sustainable networks, thereby contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural resources.

5. Efficient use of resources

In order to reduce our environmental footprint we minimise our energy consumption and CO2 emissions and strive to use our resources efficiently.

6. Proper waste management

We have policies and procedures in place to encourage recycling and waste minimisation and to manage our waste correctly.

7. Promoting biodiversity

We make our customers aware of the importance of biodiversity and integrate activities that allow them to appreciate it while preserving it.

8. Respect for local communities

We value the cultural heritage of local communities by encouraging intercultural exchanges.

Official recognition by SERNATUR

Our commitment to sustainable tourism has been recognised by the Chilean public body SERNATUR!
Our badge is now proudly displayed on their website, testifying to our actions to preserve Chile’s environment, promote local cultures and create responsible travel experiences.

See our profile on the SERNATUR website

Towards a more sustainable future together

In the coming months, we will continue to share with you our ongoing progress towards sustainability and the initiatives we are putting in place to achieve our ultimate goal. Your support and contributions are vitally important to this shared journey.

Together, we can make a real difference in the tourism sector and create a more sustainable future for our destinations in Latin America.

We look forward to sharing the rest of this wonderful adventure with all of you!

Yesenia Fernández
Administrative Manager QUIMBAYA LATIN AMERICA in CHILE